Sunday, September 4, 2011

Night of the Grizzlies--Glacier National Park

Glacier Park's Night of the Grizzlies documentary. On August 13, 1967, marked one of the most tragic and important events in the history of Glacier National Park. Two women, Julie Helgeson and Michele Koons, in campsites miles apart, were mauled and killed by grizzly bears, the first bear-related fatalities since the park's inaugural year. Helgeson and her friend Roy Ducat hiked to the Granite Park Chalet on August 12, 1967, and were both mauled early in the morning on August 13. Ducat survived his injuries, Helgeson did not. 

The same night a grizzly attacked Koons and her friends at Trout Lake. Her friends, including Paul Dunn, survived by climbing trees. Koons did not make it out of her sleeping bag.

A story with enough gravity to grab national headlines and cause the national park system to re-examine wildlife policies. Montana PBS is revisiting the story with the documentart, "Glacier Park's Night of the Grizzlies."
Jack Olsen's book "Night of the Grizzlies"

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